Syntax: Date_Diff(ccyymmdd1_DateStr, ccyymmdd2_DateStr)
- ccyymmdd1_DateStr and ccyymmdd2_DateStr are of type DateStr and have the format yyyymmdd, for example, 20110615.
Return Type: integer
Description: Subtracts ccyymmdd2_DateStr from ccyymmdd1_DateStr and returns the number of days between them as an integer. If ccyymmdd1_DateStr is more recent than ccyymmdd2_DateStr, the value is positive; If ccyymmdd2_DateStr is more recent, the value is negative.
Date_Diff(CRTRAN25.cardExpireDate, CRTRAN25.accountExpireDate)
Returns the number of days between the card expiration dates from the magnetic strip and from the cardholder file.