
Syntax: Clear_Bit(inputString, inputStringDataType, position)


  • inputString is the original string to be cleared.
  • inputStringDataType is the input string data representation. Valid values are:

    0 or HEXADECIMAL_DATA, if the inputString is a hexadecimal representation (length of inputString must be divisible by 2)

    1 or BINARY_DATA, if the inputString is binary (length of inputString must be divisible by 8)

    2 or STRING_DATA, if the inputString is a string representation

  • position is the position of the inputString to be cleared from left. It is 1-based index. The value of this field is in binary representation position.

Return Type: Integer

1: Success

-1: Invalid position value or inputStringDataType

-2: Invalid inputString

Description: This function will set the value of a bit at a specified position to 0. The inputString will be replaced with a new string that has the bit cleared in the position parameter.


returnCode is an integer;

returnCode = Clear_Bit(CRTRAN25.userData08, STRING_DATA, 8);

In this example, the Clear_Bit function clears the bit in position 8 of userData08.
