Checking in Rules and Rulesets

You must check in rules and rulesets to make them available in the repository and before submitting them for approval.

You can check in rules and rulesets independently of one another. Checking in a rule allows other users to work on that rule and to see the checked-in changes if they do an update on their private workspace.

Checking out a ruleset enables you to do the following:
  • Add a rule
  • Delete a rule
  • Change the order in which the rules are executed
Note: When you are viewing a ruleset, the Check In icon checks in the entire ruleset. When a rule is highlighted, the Check In icon checks in the individual rule. When on the Rule Editing page, you can also use the Check In icon on that page.

The Check In icon is the lock with the left-turn arrow. The lock-and-key icon next to a ruleset or rule means that the ruleset or rule is checked out to you. If you see the lock without the key it means someone else has the ruleset or rule checked out to them.

If you save the changes made to a ruleset or rule, your work is not lost even if you log out.

Once you are finished working with a rule or ruleset, Check In enables you to update the main repository with your changes and to enter comments about the changes or additions made. Checking in rulesets and rules enables other Falcon Expert users to work with the updated rulesets and rules. These rules and ruleset changes must now be submitted for approval, and once approved, they can be deployed.
Note: When a rule is checked out, the rule becomes inactive even if it was active before it was checked out. The check mark in the Is Active checkbox for the rule becomes unchecked automatically. When checking the rule back in, the user should manually check the Is Active checkbox to ensure that the active rule remains active.