Syntax: SendUDV()

Argument: None

Return Type: Integer

Description: This function will send customer-selected user-defined variables to the database, where they will be available for display in the Case Manager.
Note: FICO recommends that the SendUDV function should be commented out or removed when rules are in Test Mode. Rules that use the SendUDV function should not be deployed in Test Mode. The SendUDV function should be used only in rules set to Is Active.


returnCode is an integer;

if (CRTRAN25.mcc = “6011” and CRTRAN25.transactionAmount>500
and SRVC_UDV_cashcount > 2 )
    returnCode = SendUDV();

In this example, if the transaction amount is greater than 500 and the mcc field is 6011, a service-level case will be created and all mapped UDVs will be sent to the Case Manager for display in the transaction grid. This includes UDVs you have used in the rule syntax, as well as any others not explicitly called by the rule.
