
GlobalLookupList allows Lists to be used in rule writing by more than one tenant. In this context, "global" means "across tenants."

Global and client Lists can have the same name (for example, SuspiciousNames). While the List names can be the same, the two Lists are distinct and separate and have different values. This function applies only to hotlists associated with FI_BASE_TENANT.

Syntax: GlobalLookupList(TableName, Key)


  • TableName is the List table name.
  • Key is a string that contains a value to find in the table, such as the account number or zip code.

Return Type: Integer

1 if Key exists in the List table

0 if it does not

-1 if the function returns an error. For example, when the List table does not exist, or when no List data has been loaded.

Description: Searches for a value in the global List Lookup table. To use this function, the List feature must be enabled in the environment and some List data must have been loaded.

IMPORTANT: If you create a rule to see if a value is in a List, the rule should explicitly look for a return value of “1”.


// This first example shows how GlobalLookupList () is explicitly compared 
// to “1”.
    (GlobalLookupList (“Compromised_Accounts”, CRTRAN25.customerAcctNumber) = 1)
// This second example does NOT explicitly compare the return value of
// Lookup() to “1”.
    (GlobalLookupList (“Compromised_Accounts”, CRTRAN25.customerAcctNumber))
// In the second example, if GlobalLookupList () returns an error code of 
// “-1”, the code above will resolve to this:
      ( -1 )
then {...}
      // However, the rule editor treats “-1” and “1” as the same,
      // so the code resolves to:
      ( 1 )
then ...
    // The rule editor will act as though the account number WAS found in 
    // the Hotlist when in fact the function returned an error.
    // When you use the GlobalLookupList () function, always compare the 
    // GlobalLookupList () return value to a specific number:
if (GlobalLookupList (“Compromised_Accounts”, CRTRAN25.customerAcctNumber) = 1)
if (GlobalLookupList (“Compromised_Accounts”, CRTRAN25.customerAcctNumber) = 0)
if (GlobalLookupList (“Compromised_Accounts”, CRTRAN25.customerAcctNumber) = -1)