User-Defined Profile Rule Example

This example shows how to calculate a user-defined profile (UDP) value and how to use the calculated value in a decision rule.

In this example, a UDP calculation rule counts the number of authorization transactions that take place in a day for a device. The resulting value is used in a case-creation decision rule that generates a case if a device has more than a certain number of transactions in a given day. The UDP calculation rule is written in the Udv Calculation Ruleset of the Credit 2.5 Authorization-Posting project, and the case-creation rule is written in the Decision Ruleset of the Credit 2.5 Authorization-Posting project.

UDPs are listed in the UDV/UDP Management project. In the following example, lastTranTime is defined as an Integer UDV, so it can be compared to the current date (currDate) returned by the Date_Convert function, which is used in the UDV calculation rule. lastTranTime is defined in Account UDV Management.

CurrentDayTranCount is an Integer UDV because it stores the number of transactions. CurrentDayTranCount is defined in the Device UDP under the UDV/UDP Management project.

Device is a UDP name.

The naming convention for UDPs is the same as for UDVs; that is, if you create a variable, tranAmount, the name of the UDP used in the rule is prepended by the UDP name, for example, DevicetranAmount = 1.

  1. In Falcon Expert, click the UDV/UDP Management project.

    The list of UDVs and UDPs appears. The UDVs and activated UDPs are in alphabetical order.

  2. Click the UDP you want to use, for this example, Device.
  3. To create a transaction count, which is an integer, click Integer UDV Management. This means that the value for the UDP, Device, will be an integer.

  4. Click the Check Out icon and click the green + icon.
    IntegerUDV1 appears.
  5. Click IntegerUDV1.
    UDV Name appears.

  6. Replace IntegerUDV1 with CurrentDayTranCount, click the Save icon, click the Check In icon, optionally enter a comment, and click Check In.
    UDV Name CurrentDayTranCount appears.
  7. Submit the UDP ruleset, containing the new UDPs, for approval.
    Caution: It is essential that this change is approved prior to rule deployment. Rule deployment is not possible for rules that reference unapproved UDPs.
  8. Click Home, and then click the appropriate project, for example, Credit 2.5 Authorization-Posting.
  9. Click Udv Calculation Ruleset, and click the Check Out icon.
    The green + icon appears.
  10. Click the green + icon and click the newly added rule.
    The Free Form Editing pane appears.
  11. Click the Edit icon, if it is not already in edit mode and uncheck the Test Mode check box. In Rule Name, enter UseProfileRule, and enter the following rule.
    UseProfile("Device", "CustomDeviceKey");
    To use a UDP in any of the rules in a ruleset, you must use the UseProfile function once. The best practice is to put it in the first rule of the ruleset. Here, a separate rule consisting of just the UseProfile function is used, to make it obvious that the UseProfile function is in the first rule of the ruleset. This best practice is recommended for both the Udv Calculation Ruleset and the Decision Ruleset.
  12. Click the Save icon, click the Is Active check box, click the Check In icon, optionally enter a comment, and click Check In.
  13. Click Udv Calculation Ruleset, click the green + icon, and click the newly added rule.
    The Free Form Editing pane appears.
  14. Click the Edit icon if necessary and uncheck the Test Mode check box. In Rule Name, enter a rule name, such as DeviceExceedsDayTransCount, and enter the rule.
    curDate is an integer;
    // Date_Convert returns the number of days since 1/1/1990
    curDate = Date_Convert(CRTRAN25.transactionDateFromHeader);
    if (CRTRAN25.authPostFlag = "A") then
       if (ACCT_UDVlastTranTime = curDate) then 
          DeviceCurrentDayTranCount += 1;
       else {
          DeviceCurrentDayTranCount = 1;
          ACCT_UDVlastTranTime = curDate;
  15. Click the Save icon, click the Is Active check box, click the Check In icon, optionally enter a comment, and click Check In.
  16. Confirm that UseProfileRule is the first rule in the Udv Calculation Ruleset. If it is not, click Check Out, click the up arrow in the ruleset next to UseProfileRule to move it to the top of the list of rules, and click the Save icon.

    The UDP calculation rule is now complete in the Udv Calculation Ruleset of the Credit 2.5 Authorization-Posting project. Next, you write the case-creation rule in the Decision Ruleset of the Credit 2.5 Authorization-Posting project.

  17. Click Credit 2.5 Authorization-Posting, click Decision Ruleset, and click the Check Out icon.
    The green + icon appears.
  18. Click the green + icon and click the newly added rule.
    The Free Form Editing pane appears.
  19. Click the Edit icon if it is not already in edit mode and uncheck the Test Mode check box. In Rule Name, enter ExceedsDailyTransCount, and enter the following rule that uses the CurrentDayTranCount UDP.
    dkey = "CustomKeyName";
    UseProfile("Device", dkey);
    if (CRTRAN25.authPostFlag = "A" and DeviceCurrentDayTranCount > 30 )
    then {TriggerCase(ACCOUNT);}
  20. Click the Save icon, click the Check In icon, optionally enter a comment, and click Check In.
  21. Submit the UDP for approval.
    Once approved, the case-creation rule is complete in the Decision Ruleset of the Credit 2.5 Authorization-Posting project.