
Syntax: Match_String(String, StringToFind, IgnoreCase)


  • String is the string to search within.
  • StringToFind is a string to find within String.
  • IgnoreCase is an integer type (either 0 or 1).

Return Type: Integer (0 or offset, where the first character position in StringToFind is 1)

Description: Locates and returns the offset of the first occurrence of StringToFind in String. If StringToFind starts with the first character of String, the offset is 1. The function returns 0 if StringToFind is not found in String.

If IgnoreCase is 0, the function seeks an exact match. If IgnoreCase is 1, the search is case-insensitive.

Match_String is similar to findString. The difference is that findString is always case-sensitive. Match_String_Trim is similar to Match_String. The difference is that Match_String does not trim off trailing spaces from String.


if Match_String(CRTRAN24.merchantName, "tunes", 1) <> 0
   //1 means ignore the case.   
   then TriggerCase(ACCOUNT);

This conditional statement is true when CRTRAN24.MerchantName is any of the following:

  • I Tunes
  • Itunes
  • I*tunes
  • I tunes

In the example, you can see that quotes are required around strings but not around data feed elements.
