Checking Out a Ruleset

Checking out a ruleset locks it to prevent anyone else from working on that ruleset until you check it back in. You must check out a ruleset to add or delete rules. You do not need to check out the ruleset to edit existing rules.

Log on and select a project.

  1. Select the ruleset to check out. It will be highlighted.
  2. Click the Check Out icon.
    Note that a lock icon appears next to the checked-out ruleset. The lock icon with key indicates that the user has edit privileges. The lock icon without the key icon indicates the ruleset is locked by another user.
  3. Click the Edit icon if you are not already in Edit mode.
You can add a rule only when the ruleset is checked out and is in Edit mode. This is indicated by the green + icon in the Ruleset Toolbar.

When the ruleset is not checked out, or checked out and not in edit mode, the window displays “Read Only.”
