
Syntax: SendAuthAdvice (authorizationCode)


  • authorizationCode can be one of the following: DECLINE, APPROVE, REFER, PICK_UP_CARD, or APPROVE_WITH_ID.
Return Type: Void.

Description: The function adds a name-value pair to the Scoring response message that Falcon sends to a client-defined location, usually the payment authorization system. The name in the name-value pair is authAdvice. The value depends on the argument and the Falcon version, as shown in the following table. Rule writers need to know what values to expect.

authorizationCode Falcon 6 Scoring Response Message: Decision Code for the authAdvice Decision Type Pre-Falcon 6 Scoring Response Message: AUTH_DECISION_CD Pre-Falcon 6 Scoring Response Message: RESPONSE
DECLINE decline D 2
APPROVE approve A 1
REFER refer R 3
PICK_UP_CARD pickUpCard P 5
APPROVE_WITH_ID approveWithId I 4
Scoring Response Message
Note: SendAuthAdvice should not be used within the Authentication 20 project.