Generating and Configuring Expert Rule Reports

The ruleReport shell script is a utility that generates rule reports. The granularity of the report is at the level of a tenant. You can find the script on the Scoring Server in the RuleAuthoring/util directory.

Generating Expert Rule Reports

The syntax for ruleReport is as follows: -r <Repository Location> [-e <Tenant Exclusion List File>] [-t <Tenant Id>] [-l <Language_Country>]


  • -r <Repository Location> The location of the repository. This parameter is required.
  • -e <Tenant Exclusion List File> The list of tenants to exclude from a report. Put one tenant on each line of the file. This parameter is optional.
  • -t <Tenant Id> A unique identifier for the tenant. If specified, the value of this parameter supersedes the Tenant Exclusion List File parameter. This parameter is optional.
  • -l < Language_Country> The customer's language and country codes. The default is US English: en_US. This parameter is optional.

You should not specify both a tenant (-t <Tenant Id>) and a tenant exclusion list (-e <Tenant Exclusion List File>). If you identify a tenant using the -t <Tenant Id> option, the report you generate will contain information for that tenant, and will ignore the tenants listed in the tenant exclusion list.

The following list provides some examples of report generation:
  • FI_BASE_TENANT tenant rule report -r ../RuleAuthoring/Repository -t FI_BASE_TENANT
  • All tenant rule reports -r ../RuleAuthoring/Repository
  • All tenant rule reports except for the tenants in the exclusion list file -r ../RuleAuthoring/Repository -e excludeTenantFile
  • All tenant rule reports except for the tenant in the exclusion list file with a specific locale -r ../RuleAuthoring/Repository -e excludeTenantFile -l en_US

All generated HTML files appear in the report directory. Each tenant has its own file. The format of the file names is <Tenant>.html. The utility also generates a log file called logs/rulereport.log.

You get a warning message if you double click one of the HTML files. This is because the HTML file needs to run a script to expand or collapse each project (data feed).

  1. Right click the warning, select Allow Blocked Content…, and click OK.
  2. Click a project (data feed) to expand its content.

Configuring the Expert Rule Report

You can modify the appearance of the report, as shown in the following table.

To Modify The... Do This ...
Logo Replace report/report-logo.gif. Keep the filename the same.
Stylesheet Modify report/stylesheet.css. Keep the filename the same.
Template files Modify the template files in RuleAuthoring/util. You can modify, delete, or rearrange the content. You can add static content to the template files, but you cannot add content that needs to be retrieved from the Blaze repository.
Configuring the Report Appearance