
Syntax: Match_String_Trim(String, StringToFind, IgnoreCase)


  • String is the string to search within.
  • StringToFind is a string to find within String.
  • IgnoreCase is an integer type (either 0 or 1).

Return Type: Integer (0 or offset, where the first character position in StringToFind is 1)

Description: Locates and returns the offset of the first occurrence of StringToFind in String. If StringToFind starts with the first character of String, the offset is 1. The function returns 0 if StringToFind is not found in String. This function also removes trailing spaces from String and StringToFind before performing the string comparison.

If IgnoreCase is 0, the function seeks an exact match. If IgnoreCase is 1, the search is case-insensitive.

Match_String_Trim is similar to findString. The differences are that findString is always case-sensitive and does not trim trailing spaces off of the argument values. Match_String_Trim is similar to Match_String. The difference is that Match_String does not trim off trailing spaces from String.


if Match_String_Trim(CRTRAN24.merchantName, "tunes", 1) <> 0
   //1 means ignore the case.   
   then TriggerCase(ACCOUNT);

This conditional statement is true when CRTRAN24.MerchantName is any of the following:

  • I Tunes
  • Itunes
  • I*tunes
  • I tunes

In the example, you can see that quotes are required around strings but not around data feed elements.
