
Syntax: Valid_Time(hhmmss_TimeStr)


  • hhmmss_TimeStr is a TimeStr data type in hhmmss format, for example, 120000 (for noon).

Return Type: Integer (1 or 0)

Description: Determines whether a time string is valid, returning 1 if it is or 0 if it is not.


if (Valid_Time(CRTRAN25.transactionTime))
then {... ;}

This example verifies that the transaction time is valid. If the time in this field is, for example, 251500, the function returns a 0 because no day contains 25 hours. If, however, the time is 231500, the function returns a 1 because this is a valid time. Again, an if clause containing Valid_Time does not express that the result must equal 1; the rule engine evaluates the then clause if the function returns 1, and not if it returns 0.
