Decision Frequency of Rules Report

The Decision Frequency of Rules report shows how often decisions are made by a rule for a specified date range. This report helps determine whether a rule is working as intended. The report displays the number of times each rule has “fired” within a range of dates specified by the user. Each row in the report contains statistics about a fired rule.

Each rule defines a set of conditions—for instance, a transaction scores above a certain level and occurs in a particular location—and a rule “fires” if its conditions have been met.

The Decision Frequency of Rules report presents counts of rules that have fired, broken into hourly time periods. A given rule may have several entries in this report, one for each time period in which the rule has fired.
Note: A rule that has been created and deployed but has not fired will not be available for selection.

This report provides managers and supervisors information on how efficiently certain rules are working. If certain rules are not firing, managers and supervisors may want to investigate why or change the rule.

Note: The time values shown in this report reflect the time in the database server, not necessarily the time zone set in the Case Manager User Settings page. A time that is shown as 8:15 PM PST, January 1 in the Case Manager is shown in the reports as 4:15 AM January 2 if the database server is set to GMT. That same time would be shown in the report as 11:15 PM January 1 if the database server is set to Eastern Standard Time.
Report Prompts:
  • Client
  • Rule Set
  • Rule
  • Mode
  • Decision
  • Report period (Start Date and End Date, optional)
Field name Description
Report Period

Date range for the report. The format on the report includes the text Report Period: <From Date> to <To Date>.


Name of the rule.


Mode in effect when the rule acted on the transaction. Modes can be Production or Test.


The decision made when the rule acted on the transaction.


The number of decisions of a particular type that were made on the particular day by the rule.






Number of decisions made by each rule for the hour specified.

Total (row)

Total number of decisions made by a particular rule on a particular date in the report period.

Grand Total (row)

Total number of decisions made by all the queried rules on a particular date in the report period.

Decision Frequency of Rules Report Fields