Syntax: Is_Week_Day(days)
- days is the number of days since 19900101. You may use an actual number, a function, or a variable that supplies the number.
Return Type: Integer (1 or 0)
Description: Determines if a date is a weekday or weekend day: Returns a 0 if days is between 6:00 p.m. Friday and midnight Sunday (that is, not a weekday). Returns a 1 if days is a weekday.
if Is_Week_Day(Date_Convert(CRTRAN25.transactionDate))
then... ;
This rule acts upon a credit authorization that takes place on a weekday. The
clause of this expression converts the transaction date to a numeric value, and applies the Is_Week_Day function to this numeric value. Note that because Is_Week_Day returns a true-false value (1 or 0), the
clause does not need to express that the result must equal 1 for the rule to execute. Rather, the rule engine evaluates the
clause if the value of Is_ Week_Day is 1, and does not if the value is 0.