
Syntax: LookupListAddEntryWithDTTM(TableName, Key, Value, Comment, StartActiveDTTM, EndActiveDTTM)


  • TableName is the Lookup List table name,
  • Key is the key column in the table,
  • Value is the value for that Key.
  • The start time StartActiveDTTM through to the end time EndActiveDTTM defines the period of time for adding list lookup entries
    Note: The start time and end time are adjusted using the GMT offset. You may choose to add an extra day to account for this difference.
  • Comment is the string value for comment.

The DTTM value is in the ccyymmddhhmmss format where ccyy is the year, mm is the month, dd is the day, hh is the hour, mm is minutes, and ss is seconds. A DateTimeValue of "20090102105033" represents January 2, 2009 10:50am and 33 seconds.

Return Type: Integer

1: If it fails

0: If it is successful

-1: If there are more than 32 add, update, or remove operations per transaction.

-2: If the record size exceeds the maximum record size (currently 1024 characters).

Description: Adds a List lookup entry to the List table at the tenant level instead of at the global level.

  • www.fico.com