Customer Information Summary (CIS) 2.0
Field Name | Type | Size | Field Format/Description |
behaviorScore1 | Numeric | 4 | First behavior score. |
behaviorScore2 | Numeric | 4 | Second behavior score. |
birthCountry | Text | 3 | ISO 3166-1 three-digit numeric country code for country of birth. |
birthDate | Date | 8 | Format: yyyymmdd Customer's date of birth. |
citizenshipCountry | Text | 3 | ISO 3166-1 three-digit numeric country code for country of citizenship. |
city | Text | 40 | Primary address: city. |
clientIdFromHeader | Text | 16 | Unique identifier for the client or subclient. The value of this field is determined jointly by the client and FICO. |
countryCode | Text | 3 | Primary address: country. |
creditRating | Text | 4 | Grouping of customers by credit worthiness. |
creditScore | Numeric | 4 | Credit score of the customer. |
creditScoreDate | Date | 8 | Format: yyyymmdd Date the credit score for the customer was captured. |
creditScoreRequestReason | Text | 1 | Reason for requesting the credit score:
creditScoreSource | Text | 20 | Source of the credit score. |
currencyCode | Text | 3 | ISO 4217 three-digit numeric currency code. This is the currency unit used for all currency-based fields. |
currencyConversionRate | Numeric | 13 | Format: nnnnnn.nnnnnn The multiplicative currency conversion rate that is used to convert the currency specified in currencyCode to US dollars. The number of US dollars in the currency specified in currencyCode. |
customerAcctNumber | Text | 40 | Filled with blanks. |
customerIdFromHeader | Text | 20 | Customer Identifier. Financial institution's unique identifier for the customer. |
customerType | Text | 1 | Reserved. Type of entity providing application:
dataSpecificationVersion | Text | 5 | 2.0 |
dateAtAddress | Date | 8 | Format: yyyymmdd Start date at current address. |
driversLicenseCountry | Text | 3 | ISO 3166-1 three-digit numeric country code for driver's license number. |
driversLicenseNumber | Text | 16 | Driver's license number of the customer. |
educationalStatus | Text | 1 | Highest educational level attained by the customer:
emailAddress | Text | 40 | The email address provided by the customer. |
employer | Text | 60 | Name of customer's employer. |
employerMcc | Text | 4 | Reserved. Merchant Category Code (MCC) or Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) of employer. |
employmentStartDate | Date | 8 | Format: yyyymmdd Start date at current employer. |
employmentStatus | Text | 3 | Employment status:
externalTransactionId | Text | 32 | Client-generated unique transaction ID that is unique across all data feeds for a specific installation of Falcon Fraud Manager. |
gender | Text | 1 | Gender of the customer:
givenName | Text | 30 | Given name of the customer. In the United States, this is first name. |
gmtOffset | Numeric | 6 | Filled with blanks. |
groupId | Text | 30 | A unique identifier for a group in the FAS Security/Customer Domain. The combination of userId and groupId values uniquely identifies a user record in the system. |
homePhone | Text | 24 | Home telephone number of the customer. |
householdName | Text | 60 | Reserved. Family name of owner of the residence where customer lives. |
income | Numeric | 16 | Current monthly salary, expressed in full units of the currency specified in currencyCode. |
maritalStatus | Text | 1 | Marital status of the customer:
middleName | Text | 30 | Middle name of the customer. |
mobilePhone | Text | 24 | Mobile phone number of the customer. |
mothersMaidenName | Text | 60 | Maiden name of customer's mother. |
nationalId | Text | 16 | Primary Identification Number provided by the customer. In the United States, this is the Social Security number. |
nationalIdCountry | Text | 3 | ISO 3166-1 three-digit numeric country code for national identification number. |
numberOfAccounts | Numeric | 5 | Total number of open accounts linked to this customer, regardless of account type. |
numberOfDependents | Numeric | 2 | Number of dependents. |
occupationCode | Text | 4 | Occupation or Job Code of the customer using ISCO-08 (International Standard Classification of Occupations). |
ofac | Text | 1 | Indicates whether the customer is on the list of entities and individuals that are blocked under the Office of Foreign Assets Control sanctions programs:
passportCountry | Text | 3 | ISO 3166-1 three-digit numeric country code for the country of the customer's passport. |
passportExpirationDate | Date | 8 | Date on which passport expires. |
passportNumber | Text | 16 | Passport number. |
pefp | Text | 1 | Indicates whether the customer is on a list of Politically Exposed Foreign Persons:
postalCode | Text | 10 | Primary address: postal code. |
preferredGreeting | Text | 60 | Preferred way to greet the customer in communications (for example, Mr. John Smith, Ms. Davis). |
preferredLanguage | Text | 3 | Preferred customer language. |
preferredPhone | Text | 1 | Preferred phone number when contacting customer:
recordCreationDate | Date | 8 | Format: yyyymmdd Date that this record was created. Time zone must be GMT. |
recordCreationMilliseconds | Numeric | 3 | Format: sss Milliseconds portion of the time that this record was created. |
recordCreationTime | Date | 6 | Format: hhmmss Time that this record was created. Time zone must be GMT. |
recordType | Text | 8 | CIS20 |
relationshipStartDate | Date | 8 | Format: yyyymmdd Date of first business relationship with customer. |
residenceStatus | Text | 1 | Residence status:
secondaryAddrCity | Text | 40 | Secondary address: city. |
secondaryAddrCountryCode | Text | 3 | Secondary address: country. |
secondaryAddrPostalCode | Text | 10 | Secondary address: postal code. |
secondaryAddrStateProvince | Text | 3 | Secondary address: province or state. |
secondaryAddrStreetLine1 | Text | 40 | Secondary address: Street address line 1. |
secondaryAddrStreetLine2 | Text | 40 | Secondary address: Street address line 2. |
secondaryAddrStreetLine3 | Text | 40 | Secondary address: Street address line 3. |
secondaryAddrStreetLine4 | Text | 40 | Secondary address: Street address line 4. |
secondaryAddrType | Text | 1 | Secondary address type:
secondaryPhone | Text | 24 | Secondary telephone number of the customer. |
segmentId1 | Text | 6 | Segmentation ID of the customer. Reserved for FICO modeling. |
segmentId2 | Text | 6 | Segmentation ID of the customer. Reserved for FICO modeling. |
segmentId3 | Text | 6 | Segmentation ID of the customer. Reserved for FICO modeling. |
segmentId4 | Text | 6 | Segmentation ID of the customer. Reserved for FICO modeling. |
stateProvince | Text | 3 | Primary address: province or state. |
streetLine1 | Text | 40 | Primary address: Street address line 1. |
streetLine2 | Text | 40 | Primary address: Street address line 2. |
streetLine3 | Text | 40 | Primary address: Street address line 3. |
streetLine4 | Text | 40 | Primary address: Street address line 4. |
suffix | Text | 10 | Name suffix of the customer (for example, Sr., Jr., III.). |
surname | Text | 60 | Surname of the customer. In the United States, this is last name. |
taxId | Text | 16 | Tax identification number. |
taxIdCountry | Text | 3 | ISO 3166-1 three-digit numeric country code for tax identification number. |
title | Text | 10 | Name prefix (for example, Mr., Mrs., Dr.) |
userCode1 | Text | 3 | User-defined information. |
userCode2 | Text | 3 | User-defined information. |
userCode3 | Text | 3 | User-defined information. |
userCode4 | Text | 3 | User-defined information. |
userCode5 | Text | 3 | User-defined information. |
userData01 | Text | 6 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData02 | Text | 6 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData03 | Text | 6 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData04 | Text | 8 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData05 | Text | 8 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData06 | Text | 8 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData07 | Text | 10 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData08 | Text | 10 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData09 | Text | 15 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData10 | Text | 15 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData11 | Text | 20 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData12 | Text | 20 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData13 | Text | 40 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData14 | Text | 40 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData15 | Text | 60 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userIndicator01 | Text | 1 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userIndicator02 | Text | 1 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userIndicator03 | Text | 1 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userIndicator04 | Text | 1 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userIndicator05 | Text | 1 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
vipType | Text | 1 | Very Important Person (VIP) indicator:
workAddrCity | Text | 40 | Work address: city. |
workAddrCountryCode | Text | 3 | Work address: country. |
workAddrPostalCode | Text | 10 | Work address: postal code. |
workAddrStateProvince | Text | 3 | Work address: province or state. |
workAddrStreetLine1 | Text | 40 | Work address: Street address line 1. |
workAddrStreetLine2 | Text | 40 | Work address: Street address line 2. |
workAddrStreetLine3 | Text | 40 | Work address: Street address line 3. |
workAddrStreetLine4 | Text | 40 | Work address: Street address line 4. |
workPhone | Text | 24 | Work telephone number of the customer. |
workflow | Text | 16 | Contains the name of the workflow to be executed by Falcon Fraud Manager. |