Debit 2.4 Deposit
Field Name | Type | Size | Field Format/Description |
acctExpireDate | Date | 8 | Deprecated. Format: yyyymmdd Expiration date from cardholder file. |
availableBalance | Numeric | 13 | Deprecated. Format: (-)nnnnnnnnn.nn Available balance for accessed account immediately before this transaction. Amount is expressed in the currency unit specified in transactionCurrencyCode. |
availableDailyCashLimit | Numeric | 13 | Deprecated. Format: (-)nnnnnnnnn.nn Available (remaining) daily cash limit before this transaction. Amount is expressed in currency unit specified in transactionCurrencyCode. |
availableDailyMerchandiseLimit | Numeric | 13 | Deprecated. Format: (-)nnnnnnnnn.nn Available (remaining) daily merchandise limit before this transaction. Amount is expressed in currency unit specified in transactionCurrencyCode. |
cardCountryCode | Text | 3 | Deprecated. Cardholder ISO numeric country code. |
cardDailyLimitCode | Text | 1 | Deprecated. Card daily limit code:
cardIncentive | Text | 1 | Deprecated. Incentive program associated with the card, if any:
cardMasterAcctNumber | Text | 19 | Deprecated. Primary number for the account, such as DDA or Customer ID. |
cardMediaType | Text | 1 | Deprecated. Card medium carrying the information:
cardPinLength | Numeric | 2 | Deprecated. Length of PIN. |
cardPinSetDate | Date | 8 | Deprecated. Format: yyyymmdd The date on which the PIN was last set. |
cardPinType | Text | 1 | Deprecated. Card PIN type:
cardPostalCode | Text | 9 | Deprecated. Cardholder ZIP or postal code. |
cardType | Text | 1 | Deprecated. Card type. Valid values include:
cardUse | Text | 1 | Deprecated. Card use. Valid values are as follows:
cardholderDataProvided | Text | 1 | Deprecated. Specifies whether the cardholder data fields in this record have been populated by the Scoring Server Client Application or not. Must be set to agree with the action code (online) or semaphore (batch) semantics used to process the record as the functionality is controlled by the action-code/semaphore semantics, not the value specified here:
caseCreationIndicator | Text | 1 | Case creation indicator:
caseSuppressionIndicator | Text | 1 | Case suppression indicator. Valid values:
clientId | Text | 14 | Deprecated. Reserved. |
clientIdFromHeader | Text | 16 | Unique identifier for the client or subclient. The value of this field is determined jointly by the client and FICO. |
customerAcctNumber | Text | 40 | Unique identifier for the account associated with the transaction/record. |
customerDateOfBirth | Date | 8 | Deprecated. Format: yyyymmdd Birth date of primary cardholder. |
customerGender | Text | 1 | Deprecated. Gender of the Customer:
customerIdFromHeader | Text | 20 | Primary Customer Identifier. Financial institution's unique identifier for the primary customer for the account. |
dailyCashLimit | Numeric | 10 | Deprecated. Format: nnnnnnnnnn The daily cash (ATM) limit, expressed in full units of the currency. Amount is expressed in currency unit specified in transactionCurrencyCode. |
dailyMerchandiseLimit | Numeric | 10 | Deprecated. Format: nnnnnnnnnn The daily merchandise (POS) limit, expressed in full units of the currency. Amount is expressed in currency unit specified in transactionCurrencyCode. |
dataSpecificationVersion | Text | 5 | 2.4 |
depositMethod | Text | 1 | Deposit method:
depositRecord | Text | 1 | Deposit record indicator. |
depositReversalIndicator | Text | 1 | Deposit reversal indicator:
depositType | Text | 1 | Deposit type:
Deprecated values:
externalScore1 | Numeric | 4 | External score for use by another process. |
externalScore2 | Numeric | 4 | External score for use by another process. |
externalScore3 | Numeric | 4 | External score for use by another process. |
externalTransactionId | Text | 32 | Client-generated unique transaction ID that is unique across all data feeds for a specific installation of Falcon Fraud Manager. |
gmtOffset | Numeric | 6 | Specifies the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) offset associated with all date-time fields in the record body (positions 161 onward). Format is (-)nn.nn, where the digits to the right of the decimal point represent decimal fractions of an hour. For example, a GMT offset of 5 hours and 45 minutes (Nepal) is expressed as 5.75. Note that gmtOffset changes during Daylight Saving Time if Daylight Saving Time is observed in the date-time fields in the record body. |
income | Numeric | 10 | Deprecated. Format: nnnnnnnnnn Annual income (blank if income data not available). Amount is expressed in currency unit specified in transactionCurrencyCode. |
linkedAcctType | Text | 1 | Deprecated. Which account was linked to this transaction? Valid values:
modelControl1 | Text | 1 | This field is used to control Falcon and Fraud Predictor model-specific features. See the model report for information on supported functionality. |
modelControl2 | Text | 1 | This field is used to control Falcon and Fraud Predictor model-specific features. See the model report for information on supported functionality. |
modelControl3 | Text | 1 | This field is used to control Falcon and Fraud Predictor model-specific features. See the model report for information on supported functionality. |
modelControl4 | Text | 1 | This field is used to control Falcon and Fraud Predictor model-specific features. See the model report for information on supported functionality. |
numberOfCards | Numeric | 3 | Deprecated. Number of currently activated cards for this PAN. |
openDate | Date | 8 | Deprecated. Format: yyyymmdd Date account was opened. |
pan | Text | 19 | Primary Account Number (PAN) of the payment instrument. This is the number encoded or embossed on the payment instrument. |
plasticIssueDate | Date | 8 | Deprecated. Format: yyyymmdd Date of last plastic issue. |
plasticIssueType | Text | 1 | Deprecated. Plastic issue type:
portfolio | Text | 14 | Name of the "portfolio" (segment of the account base) to which this account belongs. |
randomDigits | Text | 2 | Random digits used to define random selections of cardholders for the testing of rules and models. |
recordCreationDate | Date | 8 | Format: yyyymmdd Date that this record was created. Time zone must be GMT. |
recordCreationMilliseconds | Numeric | 3 | Format: sss Milliseconds portion of the time that this record was created. |
recordCreationTime | Date | 6 | Format: hhmmss Time that this record was created. Time zone must be GMT. |
recordType | Text | 8 | DBDPST24 |
reversedDepositDate | Date | 8 | Format: yyyymmdd Transaction date for reversed deposit. |
reversedDepositDate_deprecated | Date | 8 | Deprecated. Format: yyyymmdd Transaction date for reversed deposit. |
reversedDepositTime | Date | 6 | Format: hhmmss Transaction time for reversed deposit. |
transactionAmount | Numeric | 13 | Format: nnnnnnnnnn.nn Deposit or reversal amount; always a positive number, regardless of entry in depositReversalIndicator field. Amount is expressed in currency unit specified in transactionCurrencyCode. |
transactionCurrencyCode | Text | 3 | ISO numeric currency code. This is the currency unit used for all currency-based fields. |
transactionCurrencyConversionRate | Numeric | 13 | Format: nnnnnn.nnnnnn The multiplicative currency conversion rate that is used to convert the currency specified in transactionCurrencyCode to US dollars. The number of US dollars in the currency specified in transactionCurrencyCode. |
transactionDate | Date | 8 | Format: yyyymmdd Date of transaction. Time zone is specified by gmtOffset. |
transactionTime | Date | 6 | Format: hhmmss Time of transaction. Time zone is specified by gmtOffset. |
userData01 | Text | 10 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData02 | Text | 10 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData03 | Text | 15 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData04 | Text | 20 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData05 | Text | 40 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData06 | Text | 13 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData07 | Text | 40 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData08 | Text | 10 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData09 | Text | 10 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userIndicator01 | Text | 1 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userIndicator02 | Text | 1 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userIndicator03 | Text | 5 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userIndicator04 | Text | 5 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userIndicator05 | Text | 1 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userIndicator06 | Text | 1 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userIndicator07 | Text | 5 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userIndicator08 | Text | 5 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
workflow | Text | 16 | Contains the name of the workflow to be executed by Falcon Fraud Manager. |