External Message 1.0
Field Name | Type | Size | Field Format/Description |
clientIdFromHeader | Text | 16 | Unique identifier for the client or subclient. The value of this field is determined jointly by the client and FICO. |
customerAcctNumber | Text | 40 | Unique identifier for the account associated with the transaction/record. |
customerIdFromHeader | Text | 20 | Financial institution's unique customer identifier for the primary customer on the account associated with the payment or deposit, or the PAN (for Credit or Debit) or account (Retail Banking). |
dataSpecificationVersion | Text | 5 | 1.0 |
entityType | Text | 4 | Indicates the application for the notification (for example, case level of customer, acct, or service). |
extSource | Text | 48 | The name of the source that generated the notification (for example, Lexis/Nexis, Experian, or Debit Manager). |
externalTransactionId | Text | 32 | Client-generated unique transaction ID that is unique across all data feeds for a specific installation of Falcon Fraud Manager. |
gmtOffset | Numeric | 6 | Specifies the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) offset associated with all date-time fields in the record body (positions 161 onward). Format is (-)nn.nn, where the digits to the right of the decimal point represent decimal fractions of an hour. For example, a GMT offset of 5 hours and 45 minutes (Nepal) is expressed as 5.75. Note that changes during Daylight Saving Time if Daylight Saving Time is observed in the date-time fields in the record body. |
notificationName | Text | 48 | The name of the notification (for example, Risk Score, or Promise to Pay). |
notificationStatus | Text | 10 | The status of the notification, such as the severity. |
recordCreationDate | Date | 8 | Format: yyyymmdd Date that this record was created. Time zone must be GMT. |
recordCreationMilliseconds | Numeric | 3 | Format: sss Milliseconds portion of the time that this record was created. |
recordCreationTime | Date | 6 | Format: hhmmss Time that this record was created. Time zone must be GMT. |
recordType | Text | 8 | EXT10 |
score1 | Numeric | 4 | First score associated with the notification. |
score2 | Numeric | 4 | Second score associated with the notification. |
score3 | Numeric | 4 | Third score associated with the notification. |
serviceId | Text | 19 | The service identification number. For a notification on a card, this would be the PAN. |
transactionDate | Date | 8 | The transaction date - yyyymmdd |
transactionTime | Date | 6 | The transaction date - hhmmss |
userData01 | Text | 4 | User-defined information. |
userData02 | Text | 4 | User-defined information. |
userData03 | Text | 4 | User-defined information. |
userData04 | Text | 4 | User-defined information. |
userData05 | Text | 4 | User-defined information. |
userData06 | Text | 8 | User-defined information. |
userData07 | Text | 8 | User-defined information. |
userData08 | Text | 8 | User-defined information. |
userData09 | Text | 8 | User-defined information. |
userData10 | Text | 8 | User-defined information. |
userData11 | Text | 8 | User-defined information. |
userData12 | Text | 16 | User-defined information. |
userData13 | Text | 16 | User-defined information. |
userData14 | Text | 16 | User-defined information. |
userData15 | Text | 16 | User-defined information. |
userData16 | Text | 16 | User-defined information. |
userData17 | Text | 16 | User-defined information. |
userData18 | Text | 32 | User-defined information. |
userData19 | Text | 32 | User-defined information. |
userData20 | Text | 32 | User-defined information. |
userData21 | Text | 32 | User-defined information. |
userData22 | Text | 32 | User-defined information. |
userData23 | Text | 32 | User-defined information. |
userData24 | Text | 32 | User-defined information. |
userData25 | Text | 32 | User-defined information. |
userData26 | Text | 32 | User-defined information. |
userData27 | Text | 32 | User-defined information. |
userData28 | Text | 64 | User-defined information. |
userData29 | Text | 64 | User-defined information. |
userData30 | Text | 64 | User-defined information. |
userData31 | Text | 64 | User-defined information. |
userData32 | Text | 64 | User-defined information. |
userData33 | Text | 255 | User-defined information. |
userData34 | Text | 255 | User-defined information. |
validity | Numeric | 4 | The number of days the notification is valid. |
workflow | Text | 16 | Contains the name of the workflow to be executed by Falcon Fraud Manager. |