Defining Conditions in Structured Editing
Structured editing provides lists of available values for defining conditions.
All of and Any of
All of indicates that all of the conditions must evaluate to true to execute the rule action. All of is equivalent to an and Boolean operator. Any of is equivalent to an or Boolean operator, and indicates that if any of the conditions are met the action will be executed.
Using Fieldnames
Once you determine what conditions and actions your rule should include, you are ready to gather the data fields. Data fields are divided into two parts. The data feed name is the first underlined element, the field name is the other.
Click the data feed name to view all available data feeds for the rule or ruleset. Once selected, the second element (field name) will populate a list of fields for that data feed. Click the field name link and the list is displayed.
Access Custom UDFs for the current project by selecting an item beginning with
. That prefix provides access to Custom UDFs associated with the data feed.
Textual Comparison Operators
Operators define the relationship one item has to another in a conditional statement. Operators in the Structured Editing window are self-explanatory. They are written in plain text and indicate the relationship of the expression on the left to that on the right.
Common operators include “is more than”, “is less than” or “is larger than or equal to.” When you are writing a rule in the Structured Editing window, you can click the default “is equal to” link to view the complete list of operators that are associated with the data field you selected.
Example Expressions
- If you are using a numeric expression such as the Falcon Score, the expression does not require quotes.
- If you are using a text string expression such as Merchant Name or Customer City, quotes are required.
- String expression require quotes regardless of the nature of the data that they are holding. For example, even though a country code is a numeric value, it is passed to Falcon as a string element and therefore requires quotes.
- If you have string expression containing numeric data, use quotes. If you need to check more than one value in the text area of a condition, you would use the or statement to separate the entries (such as, “840” or “126”).