Card Integration Rule Example

This section explains how rule authoring can be used to write rules around the Restrict/Permit actions for cards, and the different card action entry values that are created in the FRAUD_HOTLIST_ENTRY table for their related hotlists.

This example rule advises the authorization system to approve transactions with MCC present in the SYSTEM_PERMIT_MCC hotlist. The rule is written in the Decision Ruleset of the Credit 2.5 Authorization-Posting project.

Rule Narrative

If the transaction PAN is present in the SYSTEM_PERMIT_MCC hotlist, and if the MCC from transaction is in the list of allowed MCC, set the authorization recommendation to APPROVE the transaction.

Rule Code

In the Free Form Editor, this rule can be written as follows:

value is a string;
serviceId is a string; 

serviceId = Left(CRTRAN25.pan, 19);

if (GetLookupListValue("SYSTEM_PERMIT_MCC",serviceId,value) = 1) then 
       if (Match_String_Trim(value,CRTRAN25.mcc,1) <> 0) then 


Conditional statements:

  • GetLookupListValue("SYSTEM_PERMIT_MCC",serviceId,value) = 1 is a successful lookup of the transaction PAN (serviceId) in the SYSTEM_PERMIT_MCC hotlist, which returns allowed MCC in the value field.
    Note: Quotation marks are required for string values.
  • Match_String_Trim(value,CRTRAN25.mcc,1) <> 0 is a case-insensitive match that looks up if the transaction MCC is in the list of allowed MCC (value) corresponding to the transaction serviceId. The function returns 0 if the transaction MCC is not found in the SYSTEM_PERMIT_MCC hotlist for the serviceId from the transaction.

The possible values for Restrict/Permit actions in these statements are shown in the following table.

Note: All value strings should be in uppercase letters.
Card Action Status Table Name value String
Restrict PIN "PIN"
Restrict Signature "SIGNATURE"
Partial Permit (MCC) SYSTEM_PERMIT_MCC One or more four-digit numeric-only codes, comma-separated
Partial Permit (Merchant Country) SYSTEM_PERMIT_MER_COUNTRY One or more three-digit numeric-only codes, comma-separated
Partial Permit (Merchant State) SYSTEM_PERMIT_MER_STATE One or more two-digit alphanumeric-only codes, uppercase, comma-separated
Partial Permit (Rules) SYSTEM_PERMIT_RULES One or more strings of exact rule names, uppercase, comma-separated

Action statement:

  • The then portion of the rule calls the SendAuthAdvice function, with the keyword value APPROVE.


  • SendAuthAdvice sends a message to the authorization system with the recommended action.