Retail Banking Transactions 2.1
Field Name | Type | Size | Field Format/Description |
accessChannel | Text | 1 | This field identifies the type of the device through which the transaction was placed:
authentication | Text | 1 | The method that was used to authenticate the payment:
clientIdFromHeader | Text | 16 | Unique identifier for the client or subclient. The value of this field is determined jointly by the client and FICO. |
creditAcctBankId | Text | 20 | The bank ID associated with the account having funds credited. |
creditAcctBranchId | Text | 20 | The branch ID associated with the account having funds credited. |
creditAcctCountry | Text | 3 | The country code for the country in which the account being credited is held. |
creditAcctNumber | Text | 40 | The account number for the account having funds credited. |
creditAcctSortCode | Text | 6 | The sort code associated with the account having funds credited. |
creditAmount | Numeric | 19 | Format: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.nn The monetary amount credited to the credit account. Amount should be in the currency of the credit. Fees or charges can cause the credited amount to differ from the debited amount in a constant currency. |
creditCurrencyCode | Text | 3 | The currency code for the creditAmount field. |
creditCustomerId | Text | 20 | String identifying the customer associated with the account having funds credited. |
creditDate | Date | 8 | Date on which the amount is expected to be credited to the credit account. |
creditMessage | Text | 100 | Message to the beneficiary as it appears on the payment. For Open Banking/PSD2 transactions, defined as follows:
creditName | Text | 60 | Beneficiary name as it appears on the payment. For Open Banking/PSD2 transactions, defined as follows:
creditSegmentId | Text | 6 | The segmentation ID for the account having funds credited The segmentation ID is determined by the client to segment accounts into like groups. |
creditSegmentLevel | Text | 1 | Specifies the level of the segment ID in the creditSegmentId field:
customerAcctNumber | Text | 40 | Customer Account Number. Identifier for the account used in the transaction, which may be one of many held by the customer with the financial institution. This is the account that is associated with any scores for this transaction. |
customerIdFromHeader | Text | 20 | Primary Customer Identifier. Financial institution's unique identifier for the primary customer for the account. |
dataSpecificationVersion | Text | 5 | 2.1 |
debitAcctBankId | Text | 20 | The bank ID associated with the account having funds debited. |
debitAcctBranchId | Text | 20 | The branch ID associated with the account having funds debited. |
debitAcctCountry | Text | 3 | The country code for the country in which the account being debited is held. |
debitAcctNumber | Text | 40 | The account number for the account having funds debited. |
debitAcctSortCode | Text | 6 | The sort code associated with the account having funds debited. |
debitAmount | Numeric | 19 | Format: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.nn The monetary amount debited from the debit account. |
debitCurrencyCode | Text | 3 | The currency code for the debitAmount field. |
debitCustomerId | Text | 20 | String identifying the customer associated with the account having funds debited. |
debitDate | Date | 8 | Date on which the amount is expected to be debited from the debit account. |
debitMessage | Text | 100 | Message to appear on payer's statement. |
debitName | Text | 60 | Payer name as it appears on the payment. |
debitSegmentId | Text | 6 | The segmentation ID for the account having funds debited. The segmentation ID is determined by the client to segment accounts into like groups. |
debitSegmentLevel | Text | 1 | Specifies the level of the segment ID in the debitSegmentId field:
decision | Text | 1 | Decision for the transaction before reaching Falcon:
depositWithdrawalFlag | Text | 1 | Specifies whether the transaction is a deposit or withdrawal of funds with respect to the account specified in the customerAcctNumber field: For transactions on electronic funds accounts:
For transactions on card-connected accounts, such as credit cards and prepaid cards:
The RESERVED_01 field is populated with the referenced account number for field values of C and P. |
deviceId | Text | 40 | This field provides the specific identification number of the device where the transaction was initiated:
exchangeRate | Numeric | 13 | Format: nnnnnn.nnnnnn The exchange rate used for this transaction to convert the debited currency into the credited currency. |
externalTransactionId | Text | 32 | Client-generated unique transaction ID that is unique across all data feeds for a specific installation of Falcon Fraud Manager. |
gmtOffset | Numeric | 6 | Specifies the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) offset associated with all date-time fields in the record body (positions 161 onward). Format is (-)nn.nn, where the digits to the right of the decimal point represent decimal fractions of an hour. For example, a GMT offset of 5 hours and 45 minutes (Nepal) is expressed as 5.75. Note that gmtOffset changes during Daylight Saving Time if Daylight Saving Time is observed in the date-time fields in the record body. |
internationalIndicator | Text | 1 | Indicates whether this is an international or domestic payment/transfer:
modelControl1 | Text | 1 | This field is used to control Falcon model-specific features. See the model report for information on supported functionality. |
modelControl2 | Text | 1 | This field is used to control Falcon model-specific features. See the model report for information on supported functionality. |
modelControl3 | Text | 1 | This field is used to control Falcon model-specific features. See the model report for information on supported functionality. |
modelControl4 | Text | 1 | This field is used to control Falcon model-specific features. See the model report for information on supported functionality. |
onUsFlag | Text | 1 | Specifies if the transaction is on or off us. It is assumed the customerAcctNumber is with the financial institution so the following values apply to the other account:
paymentOrderFlag | Text | 1 | Indicates whether this is the set-up or the processing of the payment:
processingChannel | Text | 1 | Processing channel:
processingType | Text | 1 | Processing type through the channel:
recordCreationDate | Date | 8 | Format: yyyymmdd Date that this record was created. Time zone must be GMT. |
recordCreationMilliseconds | Numeric | 3 | Format: sss Milliseconds portion of the time that this record was created. |
recordCreationTime | Date | 6 | Format: hhmmss Time that this record was created. Time zone must be GMT. |
recordType | Text | 8 | RBTRAN21 |
recurringExpireDate | Date | 8 | Format: yyyymmdd The date after which no further recurring payments should be performed. For transactionType= S |
recurringFrequency | Text | 3 | An integer indicating the number of days between recurring payments. For monthly payments use 28 days. For transactionType = S Unknown or does not apply = blank |
reversalIndicator | Text | 1 | Transaction reversal indicator:
reversalReason | Text | 1 | Reason for reversal/return:
reversedTransactionDate | Date | 8 | Format: yyyymmdd Transaction date for the reversed transaction. |
reversedTransactionTime | Date | 6 | Format: hhmmss Transaction time for the reversed transaction. |
serviceRepresentativeId | Text | 20 | The identification of the service representative that worked with the customer for this transaction. For branch transaction this is the teller's ID and for phone transactions this is the operator's ID. |
sessionId | Text | 40 | Unique identifier number of the customer's online session associated with the transaction. |
transactionAmount | Numeric | 19 | Format: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.nn The debited amount (debitAmount) expressed in a constant currency. |
transactionCity | Text | 40 | Identifies the city where the transaction occurred. |
transactionCountryCode | Text | 3 | This field identifies the country where the transaction occurred. |
transactionCurrencyCode | Text | 3 | The currency code for the transactionAmount field. |
transactionCurrencyConversionRate | Numeric | 13 | Format: nnnnnn.nnnnnn The multiplicative currency conversion rate that is used to convert the currency specified in transactionCurrencyCode to US dollars. The number of US dollars in the currency specified in transactionCurrencyCode. |
transactionDate | Date | 8 | Format: yyyymmdd Date of transaction. Time zone is specified by gmtOffset. |
transactionPostalCode | Text | 10 | Identifies the postal code of the location where the transaction occurred. |
transactionReferenceNumber | Text | 32 | The Transaction Reference Number. This number uniquely identifies a given transaction. |
transactionStateProvince | Text | 3 | This field identifies the state where the transaction occurred. |
transactionStreet | Text | 40 | Identifies the first line of the street address where the transaction occurred. |
transactionTime | Date | 6 | Format: hhmmss Time of transaction. Time zone is specified by gmtOffset. |
transactionTimeMilliseconds | Numeric | 3 | Format: sss Milliseconds of the transaction. Time zone is specified by gmtOffset. |
transactionType | Text | 1 | The type of the transaction:
userCode06 | Text | 3 | User-defined information. |
userCode07 | Text | 3 | User-defined information. |
userCode1 | Text | 3 | User-defined information. |
userCode2 | Text | 3 | User-defined information. |
userCode3 | Text | 3 | User-defined information. |
userCode4 | Text | 3 | User-defined information. |
userCode5 | Text | 3 | User-defined information. |
userData01 | Text | 6 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData02 | Text | 6 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData03 | Text | 6 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData04 | Text | 8 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData05 | Text | 8 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData06 | Text | 8 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData07 | Text | 10 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData08 | Text | 10 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData09 | Text | 15 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData10 | Text | 15 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData11 | Text | 20 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData12 | Text | 20 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData13 | Text | 40 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData14 | Text | 40 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData15 | Text | 60 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userData16 | Text | 6 | User-defined information. |
userData17 | Text | 6 | User-defined information. |
userData18 | Text | 8 | User-defined information. |
userData19 | Text | 8 | User-defined information. |
userData20 | Text | 10 | User-defined information. |
userData21 | Text | 10 | User-defined information. |
userData22 | Text | 10 | User-defined information. |
userData23 | Text | 15 | User-defined information. |
userData24 | Text | 15 | User-defined information. |
userData25 | Text | 15 | User-defined information. |
userData26 | Text | 20 | User-defined information. |
userData27 | Text | 40 | User-defined information. |
userData28 | Text | 60 | User-defined information. |
userIndicator01 | Text | 1 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userIndicator02 | Text | 1 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userIndicator03 | Text | 1 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userIndicator04 | Text | 1 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userIndicator05 | Text | 1 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userIndicator06 | Text | 1 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
userIndicator07 | Text | 1 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. |
workflow | Text | 16 | Contains the name of the workflow to be executed by Falcon Fraud Manager. |