Card Alert Block and Reissue

A Card Alert block and reissue is generated after the successful identification of a common point of compromise. It contains a list of high risk payment cards that have most likely been exposed to criminals who have perpetrated card and PIN data theft. Card and PIN skimming can take place at ATMs and at any retail location that accepts PIN debit payments including payment kiosks.

The recommendation is to block and reissue the cards on the list if the rate of fraud is determined by the card issuer to be excessive. Once the data comes into Falcon, the card list can be appended to the Fraud_Hotlist table. Alternatively, a UDV or a Queue Attribute Value (QAV) can be used. If the data is appended to the hotlist, a Falcon Expert rule can be created that determines whether to create a case or modify a decision code. There are many instances where a card issuer would be better served to monitor the rate of fraud on cards to determine if card reissuance is necessary.

Card Alert does not resend the same record (card number and identifier), but the same card number could be resent with a different identifier for a different point of compromise. For example, a card is compromised at an ATM machine. Card Alert discovers that the card was used at this ATM and reports it with the Block and Reissue identifier for the case involving this ATM. Later, the cardholder uses the card across town at a gas station where the card is compromised again. Card Alert again discovers that the card was used at this point of compromise and reports the card number again but with the Block and Reissue identifier associated with this new point of compromise. There are occasions when Card Alert will re-analyze a particular point of compromise due to new fraud patterns that emerge beyond the scope of the original analysis. When this occurs, Card Alert issues an extension for the same location that includes new high risk cards that were not identified during the initial analysis. The identifier in this case would be the same identifier followed by Ext 1 for the first extension. There is no limit to the number of extensions that could take place.

The Card Alert Block and Reissue data comes into Falcon through the Card Alert Block and Reissue (CASB) data feed.

See Also: For more information, see CASB12.