Card Alert
FICO® Card Alert Service combats credit card fraud in multiple locations, ATM counterfeit debit card fraud, and ATM deposit fraud. This service analyzes transactions across a network and attempts to identify and report counterfeit cards before the majority of institutions incur losses.
Falcon Fraud Manager detects fraudulent transactions on individual card holder accounts. Card Alert, on the other hand, detects large scale, card counterfeit losses. Integrating Card Alert with Falcon Fraud Manager improves detection speed and accuracy of fraudulent transactions.
Two data feeds flow from Card Alert to Falcon Fraud Manager: one contains the Card Alert Service Suspect (Counterfeit and Deposit) records and the other contains Card Alert Service Block & Reissue card records.
- Covered Topics
- Card Alert Service Suspect (Counterfeit and Deposit)
The Card Alert Service Suspect (Counterfeit and Deposit) is a single card suspected of being used at an ATM for an unauthorized cash withdrawal. The suspicious transaction is presented to the card issuer to create a case and confirm a fraud or non-fraud status. - Card Alert Block and Reissue
A Card Alert block and reissue is generated after the successful identification of a common point of compromise. It contains a list of high risk payment cards that have most likely been exposed to criminals who have perpetrated card and PIN data theft. Card and PIN skimming can take place at ATMs and at any retail location that accepts PIN debit payments including payment kiosks.