Promoting a Previous Version of a Rule or Ruleset

You can replace the current working copy of a rule or a ruleset with a previous version.

Promoting a previous version overwrites the current working copy of the file with the contents of the older version.

  1. Open the rule or ruleset to change.
    It automatically opens to the working copy.
  2. Click Check Out on the toolbar.
    You can only promote a rule or ruleset that has been checked out.
  3. In the Version drop-down list, the latest version number is the same as the current working copy. Select the version number that you want to replace the current working copy.
    Displays contents of rule and versions from drop-down list.
  4. Click the Promote icon on the toolbar.
  5. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
  6. Click Save to save the changes to the local workspace.
    The former working copy (in this example, version 3) is preserved in the list. In this example, if you promote version 1 of the rule to be the current working copy, versions 1, 2 and 3 stay intact, and a copy of version 1 becomes version 4 (the new working copy).
  7. Click Check In on the toolbar to save the change to the rule repository.